The Altar Guild is entrusted with the privilege of preparing the worship space for that gathering of God's family at our worship services. This ministry of preparation is as important to the worship life of the church as the pastor's preparation time or the choir's rehearsal.
Meaningful worship does not simply happen. It requires prayerful and thorough preparation by all who are involved in it. The Altar Guild is concerned with the things of worship---the care of the worship space, and the care and placement of the furnishings, appointments and ornaments used in worship.
The overall goal of the Altar Guild is to see that the worship space is kept beautiful and in good order, both to glorify God and to provide a setting that helps enable the congregation to worship in a meaningful way. (adapted from: Altar Guild and Sacristy Handbook by S. Anita Stauffer)

If you would like to be part of this behind the scenes ministry, please contact Toni McCallum.
We provide training and shadowing with current members.
The training booklet mentioned above is also available as a training resource and can be borrowed from the Sacristy Room.