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Your Church

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St. Mark's Lutheran church is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and a member of the Sierra Pacific Synod. We became a Reconciling in Christ Congregation on January 19, 2020 when we voted to adopt this Welcoming Statement.

Our Mission:

... is to nurture discipleship, communicate the Gospel and serve the community.

Our Vision:

... is to transform each church member into a Christ-led disciple, nurtured and equipped by God's word to then reflect God's love to the community.

We Believe:

... that God is the Creator of our World and of all that exists in it.


... that Jesus Christ is truly God and truly man; that by His suffering, death and resurrection we are saved from our sins.


... that the Holy Spirit calls us by the Gospel and keeps us in the faith.


... that our response to this great gift of Jesus Christ should be one of praise and thanksgiving evidenced by our worship as a community of believers and our expression of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His love in our everyday lives.

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